Scarboro United Church - Calgary - (403) 244-1161


Thank you to everyone who participated in the ScarboroArts Fruits of The Spirit weekend, in 2008.   If you would like to share your art and be a presenter in the 2009 Fruits of the Spirit weekend, please contact Liz Paynter by email: .

Vision Statement:

ScarboroArts is an initiative of Scarboro United Church committed to fostering spiritual enrichment and social transformation through the creative arts. We believe that the arts, at their best, expand human imagination and vision. The arts take us beyond our minds to touch our hearts and spirits.

We understand the creative arts to include, but not be limited by, music, dance, drama, painting, mixed media, writing, photography and fabric art.

Mission statements:

Based in Scarboro United Church, ScarboroArts is a non-profit organization providing opportunities for the expression of social transformation and spiritual development through the creative arts.

The development of this initiative is open-ended and organic as we seek to ‘go with the energy’ and opportunities as they arise.

ScarboroArts will sponsor events and experiences that will:

  • foster intergenerational experiences in the arts
  • provide a collegial, supportive environment
  • expand worship through the arts
  • provide teaching and workshop opportunities
  • explore spiritual, social, cultural, peace, justice, and community-based themes

Contact Us:

For more information regarding ScarboroArts or the Fruits of The Spirit, please email: Liz Paynter at or contact Paul Mullen at 244-1307.

“Men and women in the 21st Century will need access to the ways by which transformation is possible. Throughout the ages, great songs, poems, novels, and music have moved minds and hearts toward greater understanding and self-realization. They have provided the images which have impelled us to act in the best interests of ourselves and the collective. The power of the arts to arouse compassion and generosity of spirit is well recognized….The arts will be the essential path to our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in as the cultural supersedes the economic and political definitions of our humanity.” (From Learning the Arts in an Age of Uncertainty, by Walter Pitman, p.190-1.)

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