Scarboro United Church - Calgary - (403) 244-1161

Trip Policies and Procedures

Safety Process

While many such trips occur on a regular basis with many other organizations, there is risk involved in taking youth into foreign countries.


In order to increase trip saftey, decisions are being handled by an oversight committee, composed of a lead chaperone and trip organizer (who is also a Scarboro church member), a Scarboro board representative and liaison who is independent of the project, a Scarboro board member and parent whose child is involved in the trip, and a non-Scarboro parent. The purpose of this committee membership is to ensure that the interests of various constituents are represented, and to ensure that trip policies and promises are consistent with health and safety goals, and trip risk is minimized.


Parents are required to:
  • sign a release form to absolve Scarboro United Church from liability
  • agree to pay for additional medical insurance for their child
  • sign a guardian form so that chaperones can act as your child's guardian while crossing international boundaries
  • must actively prepare their child to be able to physically and mentally manage the trip
  • must participate in information sessions, fund-raising sessions, and other activities to prepare themselves and their child for the trip


Policies to be determined....


Policies to be determined and discussed ....

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