Scarboro United Church - Calgary - (403) 244-1161

Brazil Trip -- Information

Updated: June 6, 2005

Description -- Friends Without Frontiers

The Brazil trip, sponsored and supported by Scarboro United Church and Calgary parents and sponsors, will take approximately 18 youth and 8 chaperones from Canada, to Northeastern Brazil, to help students and teachers in a local school:
  • Learn english
  • Buy books for the school's library
  • Fix library computer systems
  • Encourage outreach relationships with Northeastern Brazil
The trip is also the first trip of this kind sponsored by Scarboro United Church, and will develop expertise for future youth trips of this kind.
The trip is currently scheduled to take place from from August 9th to August 24th, and the participants and chaperones have already been selected.


The trip funds and risk are being sponsored by Scarboro United Church, and project participants and parents. The trip is considered to be an important outreach project, for both Canadian and Brazilian youth. The church provides financial and human resource support to numerous agencies and projects of this kind, every year. Approximately 1/6th of the cost of the trip is being sponsored by the church, and the remaining funds are being sponsored by fund raising activities, and participants' parents and relatives.

Funds donated to the project are being receipted, while funds contributed to a specific child or adult are not. All cheques for the project must be made out to Scarboro United Church. Cheques donated to the project must be commented with Brazil trip project. Cheques contributed to a specific adult or child must be commented with the participant's name.


You can contact any of the committe members at any time, about questions and concerns. Please note that all official policy will be posted to this web-site, once the committe has reach a decision. Committee contacts include:
  • Lead Chaperone and Trip Organizer: Erin Richards. Phone: 238-6608. E-mail:
  • Board Liaison and External Oversight Member: Mike Chiasson. Phone: 295-3363. E-mail:
  • Parent Representative and Scarboro Member: Jill Newman. Phone: 281-8374. E-mail:
  • Parent Represenative and non-Scarboro Member:Richard De BoerPhone: 235-1350 E-mail:

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